A reading challenge to improve your writing…


Last year I was reading a book about personal improvement. One section was about how to be a better writer. The author wrote that if you wanted to be a writer, you should read Ernest Hemingway’s story, The Old Man And The Sea. It’s a classic tale by an accomplished writer. Novels don’t usually interest me but I read the book as an exercise in improving my story telling.

I have to say, I am glad I did it. The story went to places I didn’t expect it to go. I think I also noted there were no chapters, you just followed the story of the old fisherman. It seems such a simple subject but Hemingway soon got me hooked (excuse the pun) on the story of the old man.

If you want to write stories about anything, I too would recommend you read this classic tale. It may stretch you but you will learn a lot about storytelling as you read it.

Let me know how you get on!